Breaking news: Burnley man banned from football for five years

A Burnley man who participated in tragic chanting before of Burnley Football Club’s match against Manchester United has been issued a five-year Football Banning Order (FBO).
Billy Rambadt committed the act on September 23rd, while standing outside a pub on Yorkshire Street in Burnley at 5:32pm.

As a group of Manchester United fans went past Rambadt, the 27-year-old shouted ‘Munich’ and spread his arms in an aviation gesture, alluding to the 1958 Munich air disaster.

The event was filmed on a police officer’s body worn video, and Rambadt was identified after reviewing the clip at the police station.

He was later charged with using threatening or abusive words or actions that could cause harassment, anxiety, or distress.

Bill Rambadt - The Bancorp | LinkedIn


Rambadt, of Athletic Street, Burnley, was found guilty of the offence at Blackburn Magistrates’ Court on Friday (February 16). In addition to the football ban, he was fined £500, ordered to pay £85 in costs, and a £200 victim surcharge.

Supt Melita Worswick of the police’s Special Operations Team said after the sentencing: “Rambadt’s conduct on that day was utterly disgusting, and I know many people will find it abhorrent.

“Rambadt was not apprehended at the time, but justice eventually caught up with him. To be clear, if you are not detained when you commit an offence like this, rest certain that we will be evaluating the evidence against you and that you should expect a knock on the door.”

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